Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

February 22, 2005

7:00 PM


Location:            Regional Office, Grand Falls/Windsor




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                     Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                  Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Randy Edison                                                  Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Terry Brown                                                  Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Mr. Gerald Hounsell

Ms. Carolyn Andrews

Ms. Lisa Wheeler                                                          




Ms. Linda Cutler                                                   Ms. Marina Hewlett


1.            Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Hounsell/Andrews).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1            Regular Meeting – February 8, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2005 as circulated with the following changes to be made. (Andrews/C. Brown).  Carried


Terry Brown pointed out that the SSP should be Strategic Social Plan.

C. Brown noted that 6.2 should be C. Brown not T. Brown.


3.            Business Arising


3.1       Randy Edison asked if the letter was written in support of maintaining board representation on the Strategic Social Plan.  The letter has been sent.


4.         Reports


            4.1            Executive Committee (Bill Sceviour) – deferred to Closed Session


4.2            Finance & Property Committee (Scott Pritchett) – no report


4.3            Governance & System Review Committee (Terry Brown)


See attached package of materials from Governance & System Review Committee.


Mr. T. Brown reported that the Governance & System Review Committee will meet again on March 1 and will have the Board Code of Ethics and Policies – Operations ready for the Board Meeting in March.


Motion:            to accept the Constitution as presented.  (Hounsell/Pritchett).  Carried.


Mr. Edison expressed the view that he hoped the Minister would be just as efficient in getting the Constitution approved as the Board was in putting the Constitution together.  The Board supported this sentiment.


Motion:            to table the Proposed By-Laws and Operation of the Board for consideration and vote at the March meeting.  (T. Brown/Andrews).  Carried.


There was a brief discussion on some of the changes to the By-Laws of the Board.


It was agreed that Roberts Rules of Order would be the Reference Document under Rules and Procedures.

There was a brief discussion on the proposed school restructuring plan.  Mr. Brown reiterated that the committee work is still ongoing and hopefully the work of this committee will be available for Board review and debate at the March Meeting.


Mr. T. Brown noted that school principals are being consulted and referenced on the restructuring plan.


4.4            Programming & Personnel Committee (Carolyn Andrews)


The Programs/Personnel Committee Meeting met on February 16th, 2005.  There was a discussion on CDLI guidelines and the Program/Personnel Committee will further review some of the existing data complied on the CDLI model over the past couple of years.


Safe & Healthy School Policies were reviewed and the goal is to have one common policy.


Claudine has continued her work in compiling the staffing procedures document.


NLTA Liaison Committee will meet on February 23, 2005.


Student Evaluation Policies were also tabled for consideration.


4.5       Strategic Social Plan – Central Regional Steering Committee (Randy Edison)


Mr. Edison pointed out that there hasn’t been any additional information since his last report.  The new committee has not been established yet, but it is clear that it will consist of appointees only and not include paid employees of Boards.


4.6            Director’s Report


Mr. Mercer reported that the Board does have a letter from Government indicating the Board will lose 50 teachers this year unless current government policy is changed though the upcoming Budget.  The District has begun meetings with school system principals to discuss staffing for 2005/2006.


The Director reviewed with the Board the most recent bus inspection reports undertaken by Government Services.


            4.7            NLSBA News (Bill Sceviour)


Bill has emailed two pieces of correspondence relating to recent NLSBA discussion pertaining to a new Governance Model.  The Chairs have had 7 meetings in the last few months.  The Board had earlier agreed to fund NLSBA up to the end of the last fiscal year.


Brian Shortall, in consultation with legal counsel, prepared a governance model for the NLSBA.


Motion:            to accept the governance model as presented (see attached).  (Edison/Pritchett).  Carried.


Motion:            to agree to interim funding for NLSBA at the rate of 25% if the other Boards agree to the funding arrangement approved by motion in the January Board Meeting.  (Edison/T. Brown).  Carried.


5.            Correspondence


Deferred to Closed Session.


6.         New Business


            6.1            Items Deferred from Previous Meetings


                        6.1.l            Professional Development Program (Charlie McCormack)


                                    Charlie did a presentation.


                        6.1.2            PISA Assessment Results (Charlie McCormack)


                                    Charlie did a presentation.  (See attached flyer).


            6.2            Trustee Remuneration


Terry Brown has asked for this to be on the Board agenda since October 2004.


The Governance Committee is working on a policy to cover trustee remuneration.  It will state that “trustees be equipped to do their work”.


The District has access to 20 licenses for dial up and 500 hours a month.  Board members can avail of this option.


The former District 5 reimbursed board members for consumable related to technology.  Mr. T. Brown indicated that since the Board has adopted a strong technology focus, then, trustees must be able to access the technology.  He feels the District should ensure each trustee is equipped to use the technology.


Mr. Pritchett said the District has to come up with a dollar figure for the budget.


Mr. C. Brown suggested the Board should approved $200 per year for consumables.


Shawn Brace will investigate the cost of high-speed connectivity.


Motion:            That the Board cover up to $200 per year for consumables for each trustee to do the work assigned.  Receipts are required.  (C. Brown/Andrews).  Carried.


            6.3            CSBA


Mr. Sceviour was not sure how the District would be billed to attend CSBA since NLSBA may not be a member of the Association.  Some Boards in Newfoundland and Labrador are not sending members to CSBA.  


It was suggested that CSBA was not the best conference available to trustees.  CEA would be an example of a good alternative national conference.


7.         Closed Session


Motion:            to move into a closed session  (C.Brown/Andrews).  Carried.


Motion:           to move out of the closes session.  (Andrews/Pritchett).  Carried.


8.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on March 15, 2005 at the Gander office.


9.            Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 10:07 PM  (Edison/Pritchett).  Carried.




_________________________                                              ________________________

William Sceviour                                                                       Charlie McCormack

Chair                                                                                        Recorder

